
“Everyone needs a Coach” – Bill Gates

Executive Coaching

A high impact process designed exclusively for
C-suite, VP’s and other executives with setting, tracking and achieving personal improvement goals. This format of coaching goes beyond generic coaching strategies and allows leaders to gain awareness, address professional challenges, achieve desired behavior to increase staff motivation, productivity and accelerate success

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Leadership Coaching

A tailored process to grow and develop leadership skills as an individual, manager, senior manager or business leader that leverage’s skills within yourself to overcome obstacles and achieve peak performance

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Career Coaching

Discover to take ownership, identify what’s most important to you in your current job, clarify the work you want to do in the future, establish professional goals, create a plan to overcome obstacles to create desired change and discover greater fulfillment in your career.

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Life Coaching

In your life journey of self-discovery focus on what’s happening now, what you want next whether it is personal, family or work and create a pathway to design a life where you feel confident, communicate freely, enrich relationships and live a life which is healthy, happy, and with a purpose.

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“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” – Benjamin Franklin

Leadership Training

An exclusive workshop designed for individuals in supervisory role, new managers or experienced managers who desire to get skilled and lead teams. Discover your strengths, learn how to influence, encourage open communication, team building, time management, problem solving, conflict resolution, positive working relationships and change management.

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Corporate Training

Bespoke training solutions designed and crafted for an individual, group, team, or organization based on needs assessment or gap analysis. We offer a range of courses such as Train the Trainer Program, Mindset Training, Behavioral skills, Personality Development, Effective communication, Team building etc. to give individuals or organizations the required edge to improve capability, capacity, productivity and performance.

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“They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel” – Carl Buechner

Speaking Engagement

As a keynote, inspirational and motivational speaker, I enjoy storytelling to a diverse audience. Using my experience and knowledge, I speak on topics that have relevance to personal, professional and social life. I thrive to engage with the audience, captivating and sharing insightful thoughts and beliefs for an inspiring and memorable learning experience.

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